
Hi there, 2012!

Happy new year 2012 everyone! It has been a tough year for me and for a bunch of people around me. Some things went well, some went shitty and took a u-turn to the different directions. 2011 taught me how to survive in law school. Got tired thinking about my GPA so now I'm gonna take it slow from now on. Lol. Hey, it's holiday! I've got 6 weeks to enjoy and I'm gonna take a sweet gateway.
There were good time and shitty things happened. That's life right? You can't just skip ahead to where you think your life should be. It doesn't work that way. Things happen for a reason. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason. Some good, some bad. They shape, form, and break us. But in the end, they make us who we are. We'll figure it out. One day, we would look back and..... smile.
Well, at last, I hope Mayans' were wrong about their doomsday calculations. We still need another additional time to praise the God. :p

This year resolutions: need to clear everything, subtract the negativity, and add some perspective. Hope you guys have a blissful year ahead! Hugs :-)

1 comment:

  1. haha, Mayans never predicted apocalypse di, lagian kalender yang dipake sekarang itu konsepnya udah jauh berbeda, sejak perubahan kalender yang mengikuti revolusi matahari-nya Julius Caesar sampe dirubah lagi sama Pope Gregory,lagipula kalo udah jauh ga nyambungnya susah banget nge-convert kalender mereka ke kalender sekarang, coba cek video di posting-an gw deh,enjoy http://electricalchimpanzeelearnstogeek.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/short-story-about-the-modern-calendar-video/
